Friday, August 05, 2005

The USA’s Hypomanic Entrepreneurs

“Why is America so hypomanic? It is populated primarily by immigrants. This self-selection process is the boldest natural experiment ever conducted. Those who had the will, optimism, and daring to take the leap into the unknown have passed those traits on to their descendants.” Was part of The Hypomanic Edge: The Link Between (a little) Craziness and (a lot of) Success in America by John D. Gartner. Gartner defines hypomania as a genetically based mild form of mania, which endows entrepreneurs with an unusual amount of energy, creativity, enthusiasm, and willingness to take risks.

His best profiles of these individuals are the founders of America, Alexander Hamilton and Andrew Carnegie. Hamilton’s “master plan to empower America had always been to align the interests of the wealthy with those of the nation,” when he started the US Treasury, putting the USA on a course toward international dominance. Carnegie, who achieved a level of success in the burgeoning railroad industry, put everything on the line when he revolutionized the steel industry. “As late as 1870, Britain produced more steel than the rest of the world combined. Carnegie made steel his own industry, and he thundered past his native land with the rush of an express train. In 1900, the year before Carnegie’s retirement, the United States produced twice as much steel as Britain.”

While entrepreneurs have revolutionized the USA, the rest of the world appears not be paying attention. “When asked, “Do you think that starting a new business is a respected occupation in your community?” 91% of Americans said yes, as compared to 28% of British and 8% of Japanese respondents.”

And, as you look for entrepreneurs in your communities here are the traits that Gartner found most important:

**Filled with energy

**Flooded with ideas

**Driven, restless, and unable to keep still

**Channels energy into the achievement of wildly grand ambitions

**Often works on little sleep

**Feels brilliant, special, chosen, perhaps even destined to change the world

**Can be euphoric

**Becomes easily irritated by minor obstacles

**Is a risk taker

**Overspends in both business and personal life

**Acts out sexually

**Sometimes acts impulsively


**Witty and gregarious

**His confidence can make him charismatic and persuasive

**Prone to make enemies and feels he is persecuted by those who do not accept is vision and mission

When I researched BoomtownUSA, I found that you couldn’t have enough entrepreneurs in your community. I’ve become more convinced as I travel around the USA, touring great agurbs®, and think that the towns that learn how to nurture more entrepreneurs are poised to take their towns to new highs.

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