Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ag Commodity to Niche Product

“We went direct four years ago. We’ve grown our retail customer base to over 200 and have 2 commercial accounts” Scott and Nikki Royer of Royer Farm Fresh in Clinton, IN were telling me of their change in selling their beef and lamb production. They have their product packed at a local packing plant where they do a weekly slaughter. They sell in IN only because of USDA regulations.

“We do 90% of our product direct. It has been a lot more work but we are making a better return. It also utilizes our skills and talents in a better way. It is more risk but we are earning a better return than selling a commodity product.”

Scott and Nikki are another example of what I’m seeing of farmers moving from commodity production and pricing into niche producers. More will follow.

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