Friday, June 24, 2005

This is a Big Country!

For the past 15 months I have traveled to over 35 states, logging 130,000+ miles. I’ve found that some places are much further apart than I had thought prior to beginning this journey. Here are some examples of distances as done on Microsoft Streets and Trips that have astounded me:

1. Rockford, IL to Metropolis, IL 414 miles compared to Atlanta, GA to Metropolis, IL 393 miles.

2. Chicago to Texarkana, TX 795 miles compared to Texarkana, TX to El Paso, TX 813 miles.

3. Metropolis, IL to Pensacola, FL 590 miles compared to Pensacola, FL to Miami 680 miles.

4. Bristol, TN to Ontario, Canada 390 miles (air) compared to Bristol, TN to Memphis (air) 443 miles.

I’m sure that there are others that I’ll find equally astonishing as I continue my trips. If you’ve got other examples please send them to me. I hope that you can win a bet or two with my examples.

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