Friday, March 11, 2005

If you’re ever speeding through Murray City, UT

In January Jack spoke in Murray City, Utah. He came away with a good impression of the town. One reason why is their creative mayor. When Daniel Snarr was elected he asked, “What is the City poem?” He was told that no one knew of such a poem, so he said “Wait a minute and I’ll make one up.” Here it is:

When driving through Murray,
Don’t be in such a hurry.
S-l-o-w down, and spend a buck or two.
That would be a nice thing for you to do.
It would help our tax coffers swell,
So our City won’t go to hell!
-Mayor Daniel C. Snarr

The mayor has since added motions to illustrate the lyric – including leaping if the space allows. The poem has become the rallying call for many of the town’s officials. In fact, the Assistant Chamber of Commerce Director was late and hurrying to a meeting, when she was pulled over by one of Murray’s finest law enforcers. As he came to her car window she was ready with her driver’s license, but said timidly, “When driving through Murray- don’t be in such a hurry-“ Before she got to the third line of the poem, the officer was almost rolling on the ground in laughter and gave her a warning ticket. Thanks to Keith Snarr, Murray City Economic Development Director, for sharing how to get out of a Murray City speeding ticket!

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